Adirondack Birth to Three (BT3) Alliance was recently awarded $8,000 of First Books grant money. This funding from Prevent Child Abuse New York and the Clinton Foundation enables us to distribute over 2,000 children's books to families and children through our BT3 partners. Many are using these books as gifts to families during the holiday season, others will reach families through events like Book Bingo and Multicultural Night. As a BT3 partner stated, "You provided us with books that our children just don't have access to."
Local WIC offices and county agencies will be able to add these free resources to their waiting rooms to enrich parent and child experiences. We were also able to give these free, high- quality children's books to home visiting programs in the seven counties of the North Country region. The remaining books will be distributed through our New Parent Kits.
First Book transforms the lives of children in need by making brand-new, high-quality books and resources affordable and available to the educators and kids who need them most. Their impact report shows that they are helping to close the achievement gap, improving teacher performance and impact, increasing children's interest in reading and providing resources where there were none before.
The Adirondack Birth to Three Alliance is grateful to First Book for the opportunity to advance this work in our local communities. help make this impact on a local level thanks to their resources and support.